Friday, October 1, 2010

Learn how to Catch TUNA! Yellowfin, Bluefin, Lognfin, Longtali and more TUNA

TUNA Fishing Secrets
If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line is enough to make you smile! My face literally lights up when I think about fishing for tuna on my boat "the bluefin" and I get excited to the point where I can hardly sleep the night before a trip.
Since the first time I caught a yellowfin tuna as a young boy alongside my brother, I knew that tuna fishing would be something I'd be hooked on for the rest of my life! Not every 11 year old kid gets to see a 250kg yellowfin up close and personal, so you can imagine why it stuck in my head and made such a big impression.
It's amazing how one event in my childhood could affect my entire destiny. Now I teach people all around the world how to find and catch more tuna... everyone from amateur anglers, to professional boat skippers, game fishing professionals and several world record holders in multiple countries (young and old).

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Trout Fishing Secrets

Trout fishing secret
If you are sick and tired of coming home from fishing trips empty handed, having to eat fast food instead of delicious steamed trout, then this will be the most important message you read today.
Let me tell you why:
There is more to fishing than you might have first thought. To be more precise, there’s more to the fish themselves and how they think, than you would have ever even considered.

More info for Trout Fishing Secrets Click!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crappie Fishing Techniques

Crappie fishing techniques
"Crippled U.S. Marine Reveals
Deadly Crappie Fishing Secrets
Anyone Can Use To Slam Huge Slabs
Of Crappie... In Any Body Of Water...
In Any Season... Without Expensive
Equipment... Even If You're Fishing
From A Wheelchair!"

The Instant Crappie Catching Core Secrets Course Manual Click to more info

Friday, September 24, 2010

Make Your Own Fishing Lures

Make Own fishing lures
ebooks, articles and templates giving very detailed step by step photographs and instructions for making professional quality fishing lures
At last! Lift the lid on dozens of secret tips and techniques to turn your home made fishing lures into fish catching weapons.
It's fast, it's cheap, it's fun and it's so easy!

Largemouth Bass Fishing Tactics Revealed

largemouth bass fishing Techniques
 Top Secret Techniques Of The Professional Bass Fishing Circuit Exposed.

"Are you tired and frustrated… Knowing that you'll
never top a Bass tournament because
your techniques just don't work?"

Would You Want Your Name Written In The “Largemouth BASS” Hall Of FAME? Clickhere